I would really appreciate it if you looked into this and got back to me on any updates. What's even worse is the flashbacks of NIPTSD (no interaction post traumatic stress disorder) has came back when I had to dance around a npc while playing a different character in order for the wheel to show up. I have been stuck with this bug for a couple of weeks bashing my head on the wall due to how frustrating this is.

I tried waiting it out and continuing the EBOS campaign, however, it's starting to become really hard to move about without having proctor teagan to trade with. The recommendations people have been giving me (moving around, exiting in and out of conversation, and switching form 1st to 3rd person) have not worked. I've tried shifting about in front of the hole, but to no avail. However, it came up again when I visited proctor teagan and well it seems to be impossible for the dialogue wheel to show up. I've had to crouch for two individuals and I was able to get passed that then. Except the dialogue wheel doesn't show up on it's own.

I just now got into the institute and I'm talking to some heads and for a couple of individuals for the time will give the usual triggered dialogue and the option to interact will come up. I have been dealing with a bug that has made it very hard for me to play my game on survival.