The Mudcrab Merchant can be guided to a more convenient location using Command Creature spells.Don't sell him anything you aren't willing to lose. The Mudcrab's inventory is known to sometimes reset, i.e., all the items you have sold him will disappear forever.Be careful not to kill him by accident, as he is indistinguishable from an ordinary Mudcrab until you enter dialogue with him (he is labelled "Mudcrab"), and is located in an area where there may be other Mudcrabs nearby.You can then sell him back the cheaper items the next day. Come back and buy the cheaper items back from him, and then use his temporarily increased gold to sell the more expensive things. To work around his gold limit, sell him cheaper items first, then wait a day.You gonna buy shomethin? Or sit here jawin' all day." Mouthparts? Read my mouthparts? Shomethin ain't right. Thash what I said? Did I stutter or shomethin? Talking. And I sells stuff, right? So? I mush be a talking mudcrab merchant. Thish IS me talking, right? So? I mush be.